memo shortcut crisis

Aller à l’encontre de la doxa sociale, opinion sociale dominante ou bonne lucidité ?

« Wall Street. 2005. Profitant de l’aveuglement généralisé des grosses banques, des médias et du gouvernement, quatre outsiders anticipent l’explosion de la bulle financière et mettent au point… le casse du siècle! Michael Burry, Steve Eisman, Greg Lippmann et Ben Hockett: des personnages visionnaires et hors du commun qui vont parier contre les banques… et tenter de rafler la mise! »

What does Michael Burry say about 2023?

Big Short' Michael Burry in 2023: Recession Call, Bet Against ...

Burry started the year in classic style with a slew of grim predictions. « Inflation peaked. But it is not the last peak of this cycle, » he posted on X in early January. « We are likely to see CPI lower, possibly negative in 2H 2023, and the US in recession by any definition. »31 déc. 2023

« 2000, 2008, 2023, it is always the same, » he posted. « People full of hubris and greed take stupid risks, and fail. »

Mark Baum

Personnage de fiction

sur Ben Hockett, un banquier

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2 commentaires pour memo shortcut crisis

  1. boder dit :

    « Kamal Boorghani
    Studied at York University-Schulich School of Business7y
    In very few words, How did Dr. Michael Burry know the housing market was going to crash?

    Here is my answer based on the movie The Big Short:

    He made an instinctive observation that after 2000 .com crash, the housing prices in San Jose, the capital of high tech companies in Silicon Valley, jumped up even higher instead of going down. Based on this conflicting observation, he orders one of his analysts to provide him with all the underling mortgages of a specific mortgage bond. A mortgage bond can have thousands of underlying mortgages. He reviewed every single detail of all the mortgages (such as the loan amount, FICO score, late payments, etc) and re evaluated the rating of the mortgage bond. Once he was done with his analysis, he was certain that the bond is worth much less than what credit agencies had rated it for. Hence he decided to bet against these mortgage bonds.
    On the other hand few macro economic trends also matched his analysis . Faster rising of debt vs income while mortgage fraud was ever increasing. »


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